Thursday, June 25, 2009

Ehhh Macarena!

We must be completely immature because last night we had a ball at a 10-year-old’s High School Musical-themed birthday party. Birthday parties in Brazil are a BIG deal, everyone is invited and not going may be seen as an offense. The birthday girl was Ana Flavia’s classmate so naturally the whole family (sans grandma) went. It was the most lavish children’s birthday party we’ve ever attended. The Brazilian version of a kids venue has the downstairs area with video games, trampolines and such, and the upstairs has a sitting area for dinner and a dance floor (although the place has other rooms for yet more birthday parties but sans the dance floor).

Apparently we never outgrew 7th grade because the spherical-shaped appetizers and deserts were infinitely amusing (Fried balls? I’m all over that! – Anonymous). The desserts were also of a spherical shape… Joana was mature enough to liken some of the samples to certain body parts (OMG! It’s a butt!). Later on in the evening, we joined the mothers dancing to 70’s hits. A highlight was YMCA. And yes, we did the Macarena and had a ball doing it (although both of us were a bit rusty…).

G & J

1 comment:

  1. Is Ana Flavia still a spoiled brat? We used to hear daily stories from Beth (who was staying with Sayonara) about Ana's selfish behavior and temper tantrums.
