Thursday, July 23, 2009

We met baby Clara! (be jealous Kai and David)

Our research supervisor, Monica, invited us to her house for a celebration of her baby’s 4-month birthday. Joana was happy to have a non-fried meal for a change. Galina was happy to hold the baby. Then we got a ride home in the rain. Turns out, Fortaleza is prepared for rain in the same way Charlottesville is prepared for snow. It may have been easier to canoe back.


  1. Haha... I am jealous! Doesn't Fortaleza rain pretty regularly? Like every few nights? And they have a rainy season too, right? Why are they so ill-prepared?

  2. why do we shut down airports every winter? don't we know it snows EVERY winter? i suppose the have "experts" to advise them against proper drainage/buying plows
